
Ben Pellant

About: I teach fifth grade English Language Arts and Social Studies; I have been teaching for approximately 10 years (7 in the United Kingdom and 3 in Connecticut); this is my first year working in West Haven and at Carrigan School.

Hobbies: I enjoy playing soccer (I play in an 11-a-side Over 30s league), guitar, piano, spending time with my family, and traveling.

Fun Facts: I have a wife and a 22-month-old son who I love spending time with. I emigrated to Connecticut from Wales, United Kingdom in 2020.

“It has been a wonderful first year working at Carrigan and for West Haven Public Schools. I would like to thank all my students for the hard work, dedication, and positivity they have brought to our classroom this year. I would also like to thank all the Carrigan staff, and families, for their amazing support.”


Kim Wilson

About: I teach 6th grade Humanities and have been teaching for 5 years, all at Carrigan.

Hobbies: I love to read, knit, and mindlessly scroll TikTok.

Fun Facts: I served in the Peace Corps for two years in Cameroon, where I was the lead singer in our band, The Cane Rats.
